How We Will Communicate With Machines Using Our Brains: According to Neuralink

Neuralink is a technology that enables brain-based communication between people and machines.

Elon Musk’s ambitious plan to utilize the internet to enable humans to control robots is almost ready to be made available for commercial usage.

Since Musk hasn’t yet announced a Neuralink release date, I’m sure many of you are interested in learning more about what it is and how it will alter how people interact with machines.

Neuralink might also advance research in the domains of neuroanatomy and neuroscience over years.

So, let’s examine Neuralink’s core principles.

What Is Neuralink?

Your brain will be surgically implanted with a gadget called Neuralink that will enable you to converse with and even command machines.

Additionally, it will aid in the investigation of brain electrical activity and lead to the discovery of remedies for a number of medical issues.

How the data transfer will take place on Neuralink

The business was established in 2016 and has since been working on developing this technology.

Although human experiments have not yet begun, Elon Musk claims that the team is hopeful about deploying the technology by the end of 2020.

With Neuralink, an 8mm-diameter chipset called the N1 chipset that includes several lines containing electrodes and insulation for the wires will be implanted in your skull.

The size of a Neuralink link chip compared to the little finger of the hand

A robot will be used to medically implant these cables into your brain. The wire is as thick as your brain’s neurons and 100 micrometers thinner than a strand of hair, according to the business. Think about the diameter of your hair and multiply it by 10 to compare.

You can place more than one device inside your skull

You may use more than one gadget to focus on various parts of your brain, according to Max Hodak, president of Neuralink.

What Is the Neuralink Process?

Have you watched The Matrix, an action movie from Hollywood? Recall the part where Keanu Reaves’ character Neo (who plays Neo) learns martial arts by simply downloading a computer program into his head.

Neuralink won’t be able to teach you how to fight, but it will be able to communicate with machines by sending and receiving electrical impulses through your brain.

Currently, the business has stated that you would be able to use your thoughts to operate simple gadgets like your smartphone, computer, and even your keyboard.

The sensor will be inside a casing that houses the wires and insulation for the module

You must realize that your brain uses neurons to transfer information to various regions of your body if you want to comprehend how Neuralink functions.

Your brain’s neurons work together to build a vast network and exchange information through chemical signals known as neurotransmitters. By putting electrodes close by, you can record this response since it creates an electric field.

These devices can then transform your brain’s electrical signals into an algorithm that a machine can interpret. Neuralink will be able to read your thoughts in this way and develop a method for you to communicate with machines without ever opening your lips. Therefore, stop saying “OK Google” or “Alexa.”

The N1 chip’s objective is to monitor and trigger electrical spikes that occur within your brain. Additionally, you may pick up new abilities with the use of specialized software.

The company will provide a dedicated app to learn skills

While it is currently unknown if Bluetooth or another type of technology will be utilized to transmit the data, it is guaranteed that the procedure will be wireless.

How Is Neuralink Going to Be Installed?

There are many misgivings among individuals since we’re talking about cutting a hole in your skull and introducing cables into your brain.

According to Musk, the process is difficult and out of the reach of even highly competent human hands.

The robot that will carry out the insertion

Neuralink will use its specifically designed robots to do the swift and accurate insertion of the device into the cortex because of this. The business declared that, in order to carry out the operation safely, it would adhere to the rules set forth by the health ministries.

The Neuralink robot will use a microscope and 24-micron-sized needles to put the module into your brain (a micron is one-millionth of a meter). These needles are so tiny that it would be difficult to see them with the unaided eye.

A comparison of the size of the needle on the robot to that of a penny

10,000 electrodes might be put into the brain, according to the business.

The robot’s design makes sure that no arteries or veins are touched while the gadget is introduced into the brain. Each electrode will be carefully placed while obstructing any blood vessels.

Electrodes being inserted into the brain

An 8mm-long, 2mm-wide incision will be needed for the procedure. The chipset module will be placed over the exposed portion of the skull once the process is finished.

The operation will require a 2mm incision in your skull

According to Musk, the installation operation might take up to two hours, and the patient may have partial anesthesia throughout.

How Does Neuralink Work?

The project’s initial phase, according to the business, would be devoted to aiding the healthcare sector. The device will be able to assist paraplegics with everyday chores like using a phone or a computer. Epilepsy can also be treated using it.

In a recent interview, Elon Musk stated that even if a person has lost their optic nerve, the technology would still be able to assist them to restore their vision. In theory, he claimed, this technology will be able to correct any issues with the brain.

Musk stated that Neuralink can be used to help paralyzed people regain their memory, voice, and mobility.

According to Musk, once technology and the human brain have fully merged, it will also be possible for people to communicate with one another without really speaking. He stated it would be doable, without specifying whether we would need to learn a particular language.

Imagine having mind-reading abilities!

You’ll also get additional hardware to stream music into your brain

The company’s most recent disclosure relates to how customers will be able to stream music right into their brains. To stream music in this way, a hardware call connection that is mounted to the back of the ear must be in direct communication with the Neuralink.

You are now in the AI world, where opportunities are unlimited! Imagine a day when communicating with others won’t require a tangible device like a phone or smartphone. With this kind of technology, the notion of telepathy is not absurd.

Due to the fact that we won’t be wasting time typing phrases, communication will also be completed several times faster. However, it will take some time to record thoughts and turn them into phrases.

When the technology is implemented, the firm will look at more user scenarios, but for the time being, the main priority is to make sure the technology works well with devices.

Nawab Usama Bhatti (Researcher & Developer At CAR-LAB MUST)

Nawab Usama Bhatti (Researcher & Developer At CAR-LAB MUST)

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